General Terms and Conditions of Sale


The booking shall only be firm on the agreement of the owner, after receipt of the deposit (corresponding to 30% of the total cost of the service) and after receipt of the booking contract, duly completed and signed. In the event of non-payment of the deposit at the time of booking or of the balance at the latest 30 days before the start of the holiday by the customer, the owner reserves the right to cancel the booking and to offer the accommodation for rent again. Bookings are made on a strictly personal basis. Under no circumstances may you sublet or transfer your accommodation without the prior consent of the owner. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The accommodation is fully equipped. The number of people is indicated according to the type of accommodation rented. Les Villas Riviera reserves the right to refuse access to accommodation to individuals or families arriving with a number of participants greater than the capacity of the rented accommodation.


For all group reservation requests, please contact us by telephone, e-mail or via our “Info & Contact” section. Les Villas Riviera reserves the right to examine the booking request before accepting or refusing it.


Prices shown are valid for the 2023 season. Prices are given per night in euros, including VAT. The tourist tax is added to the rental price.


For bookings made more than 30 days before the start of the holiday, a deposit of 30% of the price of the services booked shall be paid to Villas Riviera on booking. The balance shall be paid to Villas Riviera no later than 30 days before the start of your stay. For bookings made less than 30 days before the start of the holiday, full payment must be made at the time of booking. In the event of non-payment of the deposit or of the balance at the latest 30 days before the start of the holiday by the customer, the owner reserves the right to cancel the booking and to offer the accommodation for rent again.


On arrival, the tenant shall pay a deposit of €1,000 for the Villas Kerbader and Mousterlin and €500 for the lodges. It will be returned or destroyed within a maximum of 7 days from the tenant’s departure, after deduction by the owner of any amounts to be paid by the tenant to restore the premises and carry out any necessary repairs…. The amount of these deductions shall be duly justified by the owner on the basis of an inventory of fixtures on departure, estimates, invoices, etc. If the security deposit proves insufficient, the tenant undertakes to top up the sum on the basis of the supporting documents provided by the owner. Under no circumstances shall this security deposit be considered a contribution to the payment of rent.


1. Changes to your booking Customers may request a change to their stay by sending a written request by post or e-mail, subject to availability. Rentals may not be postponed to the following season. If no change is made, the customer will be obliged to continue with the holiday as originally booked or to cancel it. Any request to increase the length of your stay will be subject to availability and current rates. Any request to reduce the length of your stay is considered as a partial cancellation and will be subject to the cancellation and interruption of stay conditions.

2. Unused benefits If your stay is interrupted or shortened for any of the following reasons: *Borders closed by administrative decision * Travel restricted to a number of kilometres by administrative decision effectively rendering travel impossible A voucher will be issued by Les Villas Riviera for the amount of unused nights, valid for two years. If the customer refuses this voucher, it will be reimbursed on request. Apart from the reasons mentioned above, any stay that is interrupted or shortened (late arrival, early departure) due to the customer’s fault will not give rise to a refund or voucher.

3. Cancellation by Les Villas Riviera In the event of cancellation by Les Villas Riviera, except in the event of force majeure, the sums paid for the booking will be reimbursed in full. However, such cancellation shall not give rise to the payment of damages. If the owner terminates the contract during the rental period, it must be duly justified (non-payment of rent, bad cheques issued by the tenant, proven deterioration of the rented premises, complaints from neighbours, etc.). This cancellation shall require the departure of the tenant within two days of the date of notification of this decision. The owner reserves the right to keep the amount of the security deposit under the conditions specified in the paragraph “Security deposit”. Whatever the reason for cancellation, the owner shall retain the full amount of the rent.

4. Cancellation by the customer In the event of cancellation by the customer, except in the event of force majeure, the cancellation and refund conditions are as follows. All cancellation requests must be sent by registered post to the Les Villas Riviera postal address or by e-mail. Cancellations made by telephone will not be accepted. Any cancellation will result in the cancellation of the booking and the owner reserves the right to offer the accommodation for rental again.
➢ Case 1: Cancellation up to 60 days before the start of the holiday * The owner will refund the full amount paid by the tenant.
➢ Case 2: Cancellation between D-60 and D-30 before the start of the holiday* The deposit of 30% of the total cost of the holiday will be retained by Villas Riviera as a cancellation fee.
➢ Case 3: Cancellation between D-30 and D-14 before the start of the holiday * The owner will refund 50% of the amount paid by the tenant, on the assumption that the tenant has paid the full amount of the holiday.
➢ Case 4: Cancellation between D-14 and D-0 before the start of the holiday* The total amount paid, i.e. the total cost of the holiday, shall be retained by the owner. No refunds will be made. We suggest that you take out cancellation insurance with your insurance company.
➢ Case 5: The tenant does not show up on the day of the start of the stay without informing Les Villas Riviera*. The booking is considered cancelled by the customer, the sums paid remain the property of the owner, and the latter may offering the property for rent.


➢ On the day of your arrival you will be welcomed from 5.00 pm, and when you are given the keys to your accommodation, a deposit will be required. ➢ Departure On the day of departure indicated on your contract, the accommodation must be vacated before 10 am. The tenant undertakes to return the property in the same state of cleanliness as he found it on arrival. The inventory will be checked and you will be responsible for any broken or damaged items, as well as for restoring the premises if necessary.

The deposit will be destroyed or returned to you within 7 days of departure, after deduction of any compensation, based on supporting invoices, for any damage noted in the inventory of fixtures on departure. Withholding the deposit does not preclude additional compensation if the costs exceed the amount of the deposit. For late departures, you may be charged for an extra day at the current nightly rate.


The tenant must insure the premises entrusted or rented to him. You should therefore check whether your main home policy includes a holiday extension (holiday rental). If this is not the case, you should contact your insurance company and ask for the cover to be extended, or take out a special policy with a “holiday” clause. A certificate of insurance will be requested on entry to the premises or, failing this, a sworn affidavit. Customers are responsible for looking after their personal belongings (bicycles, etc.).

All customers must comply with the house rules. Each tenant is responsible for any disturbance or nuisance caused by persons staying with them.


Villas Riviera reserves the right to refuse access to the accommodation if guests arrive with an animal not authorised by the owner. DISPUTES Any complaint concerning non-conformity of the services in relation to the contractual commitments may be notified by post or e-mail to the Les Villas Riviera manager.


Les Villas Riviera shall make every effort to ensure that the information published on the website is as up to date as possible, particularly the photos, descriptions, activities, leisure activities, services and opening dates. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or telephone.


The information you give us when making your booking will not be passed on to any third party. This information will be treated as confidential by Les Villas Riviera. It will be used solely to process your booking and to enhance and personalise communication and the services booked according to your centres of interest. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, rectify and object to any personal data concerning you. Todo this, simply send us a request by post to the Les Villas Riviera address.